Leadership Embodiment Training Level 1 and 2 with Pierre Goirand

What is it all about?

Leadership Embodiment (LE) gives you the tools and practices to be a skillful listener, a powerful advocator and an inspirational leader and deal with stress more gracefully and effectively. LE provides simple and powerful ways to connect mind and body, to develop a strong relaxed and stable leadership presence and to align with your purpose in the midst of action and challenging work, situations.

The course is designed as a simulator creating a full embodied experience. Through simple physical exercises we are able to recognize the patterns that arise when we are in intense situations. Once we are familiar with our pattern, we apply centering practices to help us shift to a more creative, compassionate and skillful state. Working in pairs, we chunk down learning exercises to create a lasting somatic imprint in the body. Individual debrief and group discussions create a dynamic learning container.

The tools and practices have been designed by Wendy Palmer and their roots lie in the traditions of mindfulness and martial arts. This program is part of a Europe-wide pathway. It also gives participants access to retreats with Wendy Palmer.

Training Level 1

Leadership Embodiment (LE) Level 1 course is the introduction to LE, language, practices and principles developed by Wendy Palmer. The Training introduces practices for cultivating the three Leadership Competencies:

  • Being inclusive, especially in difficult situations
  • Listening to everything that is being said without taking things personally (centered listening)
  • Speaking up for what we believe in, even when there is strong resistance

This Training:

  • will bring awareness to how you are communicating even when you are not speaking
  • helps you to become familiar with your habitual reactive patterns of behavior
  • will enable you to shift to a more open relaxed, creative, skillful and compassionate state while under pressure.

Training Level 2

Building on the foundation of the Fundamentals Level 1, the Intermediate Level 2 course offers participants an opportunity to deepen their awareness and explore their patterns and centering practice in a large variety of situations.

The Intermediate Level 2 course will introduce you to:

  • Working with the bokken (japanese wooden practice sword) to raise energy and increase your capacity for positive power, especially when speaking up
  • Working with greater inspiration to address challenges more easily
  • Aligning your body and speech to become more effective at influencing the environment

Building on the foundation of Fundamentals Level 1, the Intermediate Level 2 course offers participants an opportunity to deepen their awareness and maintain a centered presence in a wide variety of situations and challenges.You will strengthen your presence, your self-confidence, your compassion and even your sense of humor.

Specifically, Level 2 exercises will allow you to:

  • align your body language with your verbal communication
  • center yourself under any sort of pressure and after loss or failure
  • communicate what matters to you in a fully embodied way
  • reinforce the power of your intention
  • receive difficult feedback while remaining open and not taking things personally
  • persevere despite lack of support and negative opinions
  • step back and reflect before responding to demands made of you
  • face multiple demands and learn to say no respectfully
  • cut through to the essentials
  • reveal what you really want and what level of ambition is right for you now…

You will learn how to use the Bokken (Japanese wooden sword) to raise your energy and increase your capacity for positive power, especially when speaking up.

NB: Access to Wendy Palmer’s Retreats is reserved only for those who have undertaken Levels 1 & 2

Pierre Goirand is one of the pioneers of embodied coaching and facilitation in France. He is the founder of Presence & Leadership an Institute dedicated to the development of authentic leadership though somatic techniques. Pierre is also a well recognized Executive Coach, Leadership Consultant and Facilitator of transformational processes for teams and international organizations with over 25 years of experience.
Pierre is one of the first Embodiment International trainers certified by Wendy Palmer in Europe with whom he has established a close partnership over the years.

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What is leadership embodiment?


Level 1:

10/11 February 2025
Each day from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

6/7 October 2025
Each day from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Where: Beach Mitte , Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 8, D – 10115 Berlin

Who should attend?
Managers, consultants, facilitators, teachers, team- and projectleads- everybody who is interested and /or working with teams.
Teaching will be done in English.

Level 2:

9/ 10 October 2025
Each day from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

ATTENTION: This level 2 training can not be booked right after the level 1 training from 6/7 October 2025, because there is needed more time for in between training’s practice!

Where: Beach Mitte , Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 8, D – 10115 Berlin

Who should attend?
Managers, consultants, facilitators, teachers, team- and projectleads- everybody who is interested and /or working with teams.
Teaching will be done in English.


Corporate fee:    € 890,12 (incl. VAT 19&), (748,00,- net amount) for businesses
Discounted fee: € 759,22 (incl. 19% VAT),  ( 639,00,- net amount) for non profit organizations and self-payers